Stamford YMCA is Closing 

Written by Marvi Pabrekar

The Stamford Family YMCA, a longstanding institution in the Stamford community, is closing its doors permanently. This decision comes after over 150 years of service to the beloved residents of Stamford. 

The YMCA has been a cornerstone in downtown Stamford since 1868, providing a wide range of community services and programs. The pandemic dealt a severe blow to the organization, as COVID-19 precautions forced the shutdown of fitness programs and youth services. Additionally, public funds for after-school care decreased, leading to a decline in enrollment in YMCA offerings.

“We have been a proud member of the Stamford community for over 150 years,” said Peter Wieland, YMCA Board Treasurer. “Unfortunately, as a result of declining revenues and escalating expenses, it was a clear decision that the operations were financially unsustainable.”

Despite efforts to stay afloat, the YMCA has found itself where it can no longer continue its operations. The organization has already closed its pool and will be ending other services in the coming weeks. Members who pay month to month will have their billing stopped in early March, allowing them to continue using the facility until the closing date of March 31.

The Stamford YMCA is working with the YMCA of the USA to help its members transition to other YMCAs in the area. Efforts are also being made to assist employees in finding jobs at other facilities.

What the future holds for the 1973 building on Bell Street, which the YMCA owns, is still unknown. However, the board is exploring various options to ensure that the community’s needs are still met in the absence of the YMCA. 

“All options are up in the air,” said Macari, Chief Volunteer Officer. “The board wants to take the right steps for our staff, our members, for child care, for the community. We want to be able to salvage what we can to be of service.”

While the closure of the Stamford Family YMCA is a loss for the community, board chair Paul Macari expressed hope for new opportunities. “I’m sad to lose an icon in Stamford, but at the same time, I’m excited. I think it’s a chance to look at perhaps a different way of providing our mission,” he said.

As the Stamford community part ways with the YMCA, there is a sense of gratitude for the organization’s longstanding commitment to serving the needs of its residents, despite this city losing a significant institution.

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