Opinion: Extra credit for food donations

Photo courtesy of Robert Donovan // Students and staff have mixed opinions on whether or not it is fair for teachers to give extra credit after food drive contributions are made.

Through our grand high school, there are several questions that are emerging regarding food donations and receiving extra credit for it. Is it right? Should it be a regular occurrence? Some teachers believe it to be acceptable.

“I have done this in the past, where if you bring in a can of soup it counts as an extra homework assignment. In moderation it’s fine but if it’s done more consistently it’s too much,” english teacher Mrs. Brunner said.

While some feel that it is a smart idea to incentivize students to do a good deed  for credit in a class, others believe it to be wrong.

“I Don’t think you should get extra credit for food donation, it should be done out of the goodness of your heart. You’re giving because of the fact that you want to help out, so that way you’re not giving for some mercenary effect,” history teacher Mr. White said.

It does make sense to question some of the students motives when they bring in food to donate. Yes it does help and is a kind thing to do. However, if the donator is bringing in the food simply to boost his or her own grade in a certain class, it doesn’t seem right.

Another aspect to take into account is financial stability.

“It depends on the students’ personal financial situation. Students shouldn’t be put in a position where [their peers] are receiving extra credit for an opportunity that they could not take advantage of as a result of economic strains,” music teacher Mr.Curri said.

Whether or not it’s a financial issue, donating food should be done out of the kindness of your heart first and foremost.