Schools all across the United States are having college representatives visit as senior application deadlines approach. This year, Westhill is having college representatives create “G.I.F.T.S.”, which gives students information about the school that is displayed on the wall in the career center.
“G.I.F.T.S.” stands for “Give always, Information about the school, Facts about the school, Tips, and Secrets.”
This concept was created to give students the opportunity to learn about as many schools as possible without missing class. Students can now visit the Career Center whenever they have free time and learn about schools they are interested in.
There are about 120 schools with representatives scheduled to come, including but not limited to Montclair State University, Ithaca College, University of Maine, the University of Arizona, University of Bridgeport, Michigan State University, and more. A full list can be found on Naviance.
Students can sign up for these visits through Naviance. All students need to do is click on the register button, and they are registered to attend the information session.
Representatives from different schools will be visiting most days until November 15.
Another upcoming opportunity for juniors and seniors is the college fair, which will be held on October 18th at Stamford High School.
Follow the guidance department’s Instagram (@westhillguidance) for daily updates considering college visits to the school.