According to Ms. Konrad, the Fine Arts department head, last week many students were visiting art classrooms after school and asking for art supplies, specifically paint. As a result, three gallons of red, yellow, and blue tempera poster paint went missing. This has proved to be an obstacle for Ms. Konrad, who uses these paints over the course of the entire year in her Drawing and Painting classes.
Since the art department is only allocated a certain amount of paint supply for the year, students in art elective classes are often limited in the supplies they can use. When something like this happens and paint goes missing, it makes it even more difficult for art classes to carry out projects. In addition, quality art supplies are often expensive and costly, and the art department cannot afford to purchase more materials.
Keep an eye out for any posters or decorations made with tempera poster paint. If you have any information, please contact Ms. Konrad. Click here to find her email address on the Fine Arts Department list.