Social thriller ‘Get Out’ is shockingly amazing

Get Out, a social thriller written and directed by comedian Jordan Peele, was released on February 24. Since then, the movie has received a huge amount of press and praise from fans and critics. The film tells the story of a black man, Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) who is dating a white woman named Rose (Allison Williams). The couple dates for five months before Rose takes Chris home to meet her parents. When they arrive at Rose’s parent’s house, it is clear that something is a little off. Rose’s parents seem nervous, and perhaps too friendly. Chris reads this behavior as their way of dealing with their daughter’s interracial relationship. But, events get stranger when Chris attempts to talk to the black groundskeeper and cook. Both characters are extremely odd, and reject any effort Chris makes to connect with them. Soon Chris learns that this behavior is not just slightly awkward, but that it is part of a much more dangerous situation.
The movie seems to be hitting theaters at a particularly relevant time with movements against politically correct language and the growth of the Black Lives Matter movement. It seems as though audiences are responding well to the film. Get Out received a score of 99% on Rotten Tomatoes, making it the 8th highest score on the site, only behind classics like The Wizard of Oz and Citizen Kane.
This is Jordan Peele’s first movie. Many were surprised to hear that Peele, a comedian, had chosen to go in the direction of a horror film. However, Peele has said that he has always been a fan of both comedy and horror. Peele also said that it was because of his background in comedy, that the movie included lines with humor.
Overall, the movie is a great story, one that viewers have not seen before in theaters. This plot has not been done before, it is a fresh and highly innovative piece. Get out will make you afraid, as well as laugh, something that is hard to do, yet so vital for a complete experience.