Cooking for charity stirs up community service opportunities

Photo courtesy of Gabi Freeda // Pictured above: Club presidents Annie Morelli and Gabi Freeda with club adviser Mrs. Brunner.

Cooking for Charity, a club started by seniors Annie Morelli and Gabi Freeda during the 2013-14 school year, has been nothing but successful. What started off as a simple idea to help out the local community has flourished into something much bigger.

Morelli and Freeda saw a need to help the community and started the club in hopes that they would be able to successfully make an impact.  Immediately, the two went to Mrs. Figluizzi for permission to begin holding meetings, recruiting club advisor Mrs. Brunner along the way. The club, now up to 20 members, has meetings once a month and cooks for different places around Stamford. 

“Our meetings consist of cooking, eating pizza, and hanging out with friends. We make everything from salads, entrees, and desserts, but it really depends on who we are cooking for!” Gabi explained. They make a wide variety of food that ranges from baking to cooking. If you enjoy hanging out with awesome people and making a difference in the community then this club is for you! Interested in how to get involved? It is as easy as showing up.

“You can get involved by just showing up to room 314 when we have our meetings, which is just once a month. We are super accepting of people and encourage everyone to come help make a difference.” Gabi continued. 

When asked about where the food made during club meetings is donated, Freeda explained that, “where the food goes changes every month. Most times we will donate to the Domus Boys House, but sometimes we switch it up and choose to cook for KIC, Brighton Gardens, the firehouse, and once we even cooked dog treats for the animal shelter.” 

Ultimately cooking for charity club is on the rise and making a major impact within the community.  As the years go on, we can expect to see the club gain more volunteers and continue to make a difference.